Jardim da Estrela. One of the most beautiful and iconic gardens in the Portuguese capital to discover in spring 🌻.
Jardim da Estrela. Um dos mais belos e icónicos jardins da capital portuguesa, para descobrir na Primavera 🌻.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #citytravel #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #oldtownhotel #hotelwithhistory #visitlisbonin2025 #spring #bestgarden #lisbongarden #jardimdaestrela

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πŸ΅οΈβ€‹ As the days get longer, it`s even more pleasant to enjoy the beautiful outdoor space at 𝐒𝐨π₯𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐨 π‚πšπ¬π­πžπ₯𝐨.
πŸ΅οΈβ€‹ Γ€ medida que os dias se tornam mais longos, Γ© ainda mais agradΓ‘vel aproveitar o belo espaΓ§o exterior do 𝐒𝐨π₯𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐨 π‚πšπ¬π­πžπ₯𝐨.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #travelandleisure #traveldestinations #citytravel #hotelwithhistory #boutiquehotel #lisbonhotel #besthotels #oldtownhotel #tophotels #solardocastelohotel #solardocastelo #lisbonnights #spring #hoteloutdoors #hotelpatio

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⚜️ In room 13 of the π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ 𝐁𝐫𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐚 𝐀𝐫𝐭 πƒπžπœπ¨, every corner carries a piece of the past. There you can feel the legacy of art, culture and emotion left by our late NatΓ‘lia Correia.
⚜️ No quarto 13 do π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ 𝐁𝐫𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐚 𝐀𝐫𝐭 πƒπžπœπ¨, cada canto carrega um pedaΓ§o do passado. Por ali, sente-se todo um legado de arte, cultura e emoção, deixados pela nossa saudosa NatΓ‘lia Correia.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #travelandleisure #traveldestinations #citytravel #hotelwithhistory #cityexplore #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #lisbonhotel #holidays #besthotels #oldtownhotel #hotelbritaniaartdeco #nataliacorreia #hotelroom

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The π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ π‹π’π¬π›π¨πš 𝐏π₯𝐚𝐳𝐚 is a daily witness to the joy πŸ₯° of the families who pass through. Until your next visit, @wandermama.diaries.
O π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ π‹π’π¬π›π¨πš 𝐏π₯𝐚𝐳𝐚 testemunha diariamente a alegria πŸ₯° das famΓ­lias que por lΓ‘ passam. AtΓ© Γ  prΓ³xima visita, @wandermama.diaries.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #lisbonhotel #besthotels #oldtownhotel #autentichotel #hotellisboaplaza #regram #heritageguests #family

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⚜️ Welcoming guests is an art that we cherish at all 𝐋𝐒𝐬𝐛𝐨𝐧 π‡πžπ«π’π­πšπ πž π‡π¨π­πžπ₯𝐬. We are waiting for your visit.
⚜️ Receber bem Γ© uma arte que prezamos em todos os π‡π¨π­πžΜπ’π¬ π‡πžπ«π’π­πšπ πž π‹π’π¬π›π¨πš. Aguardamos a sua visita.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #traveldestinations #cityexplore #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #lisbonhotel #solardocastelo #longstaysinlisbon #hotellisboaplaza #heritageavenidaliberdade #hotelbritaniaartdeco #asjanelasverdes

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There`s nothing better than a delicious breakfast πŸ₯ to welcome another day! Every day making your stay even more special at 𝐀𝐬 π‰πšπ§πžπ₯𝐚𝐬 π•πžπ«ππžπ¬.
Nada melhor que um delicioso pequeno-almoΓ§o πŸ₯ para dar boas-vindas a mais um dia! Todos os dias a tornar a sua estadia ainda mais especial, n’𝐀𝐬 π‰πšπ§πžπ₯𝐚𝐬 π•πžπ«ππžπ¬.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #citytravel #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #besthotels #greenhotel #hotelwithhistory #asjanelasverdes #palacedecor #palatial #breakfast #hotelroom

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🎭 The most colourful time of the year is coming to Lisbon. πŸŽ‰ Get ready to experience the energy, colours and contagious rhythm of Brazil, with an unmissable programme in the streets of Lisbon!
🎭 A quadra mais colorida do ano estΓ‘ a chegar a Lisboa. πŸŽ‰ Prepare-se para viver a energia, as cores e o ritmo contagiante do Brasil, com uma programação imperdΓ­vel nas ruas de Lisboa!

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #travelandleisure #traveldestinations #citytravel #hotelwithhistory #cityexplore #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #lisbonhotel #carnival #lisboncarnival

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Our four-legged guests πŸΆβ€‹ delight the staff at the π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ π‹π’π¬π›π¨πš 𝐏π₯𝐚𝐳𝐚. Bring your best friend along on your next visit.
Os nossos hΓ³spedes de 4 patas πŸΆβ€‹, fazem as delΓ­cias do staff do π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ π‹π’π¬π›π¨πš 𝐏π₯𝐚𝐳𝐚. Traga tambΓ©m o seu melhor amigo, na prΓ³xima visita.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #traveldestinations #cityexplore #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #petfriendlyportugal #petfriendlylisbon #petfriendlyhotel #petfriendly

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The π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ 𝐁𝐫𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐚 𝐀𝐫𝐭 πƒπžπœπ¨ offers you a real treat, carefully prepared every morning by the best of teams πŸ«–β€‹.
O π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ 𝐁𝐫𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐚 𝐀𝐫𝐭 πƒπžπœπ¨ oferece-lhe um verdadeiro manjar, cuidadosamente preparado todas as manhΓ£s, pela melhor das equipas πŸ«–β€‹.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #traveldestinations #arthotel #britaniahotel #boutiquehotel #lisbonhotel #hotelrestaurant #bestfood #breakfast

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We were visited by the lovely @rachel_ontour, who didn`t stop until she had discovered all the stories that 𝐀𝐬 π‰πšπ§πžπ₯𝐚𝐬 π•πžπ«ππžπ¬ tells in each of the objects exposed βšœοΈβ€‹.
Recebemos a visita da encantadora @rachel_ontour, que nΓ£o parou enquanto nΓ£o descobriu todas as histΓ³rias que 𝐀𝐬 π‰πšπ§πžπ₯𝐚𝐬 π•πžπ«ππžπ¬ contam em cada objeto exposto βšœοΈβ€‹.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #traveldestinations #cityexplore #boutiquehotel #asjanelasverdes #hoteldetail #regram

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Your holiday home, where everyone in the family can fit. That`s the π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ π‹π’π¬π›π¨πš 𝐏π₯𝐚𝐳𝐚.
A sua casa de fΓ©rias, onde cabem todos os membros da famΓ­lia. Assim Γ© o π‡π¨π­πžπ₯ π‹π’π¬π›π¨πš 𝐏π₯𝐚𝐳𝐚.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #citytravel #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #besthotels #oldtownhotel #familyhotel #hotellisboaplaza

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At 𝐀𝐬 π‰πšπ§πžπ₯𝐚𝐬 π•πžπ«ππžπ¬, the bucolic atmosphere 🌿 is revealed not only in its gardens, but also in every detail of its interior.
N’𝐀𝐬 π‰πšπ§πžπ₯𝐚𝐬 π•πžπ«ππžπ¬, o ambiente bucΓ³lico 🌿 revela-se nΓ£o sΓ³ nos seus jardins, mas tambΓ©m em cada pormenor do seu interior.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #citytravel #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #besthotels #greenhotel #hotelwithhistory #asjanelasverdes #palacedecor #palatial #hoteldecor

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Celebre o amor πŸ€Žβ€‹ nos π‡π¨π­πžΜπ’π¬ π‡πžπ«π’π­πšπ πž 𝐝𝐞 π‹π’π¬π›π¨πš, onde a riqueza histΓ³rica dos nossos edifΓ­cios cuidadosamente preservados ajuda a criar momentos inesquecΓ­veis no coração de Lisboa.

Saiba mais no Link da Bio.
Celebrate love πŸ€Žβ€‹ at 𝐋𝐒𝐬𝐛𝐨𝐧 π‡πžπ«π’π­πšπ πž π‡π¨π­πžπ₯𝐬, where the rich history of our carefully preserved buildings helps creating unforgettable moments in the heart of Lisbon.

Learn more at the Link in the Bio.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #travelandleisure #traveldestinations #citytravel #romantichotel #valentinesday #valentinesgift #diadosnamorados

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From the charming and cozy π‡πžπ«π’π­πšπ πž π€π―πžπ§π’ππš π‹π’π›πžπ«ππšππž, the view of the surrounding streets reveals the magic of the city, which never loses its sparkle, even at night πŸŒƒβ€‹.
Do charmoso e acolhedor π‡πžπ«π’π­πšπ πž π€π―πžπ§π’ππš π‹π’π›πžπ«ππšππž, a vista para as ruas circundantes revela a magia da cidade, que nunca perde o seu brilho, mesmo durante a noite πŸŒƒβ€‹.

#lisbonheritagehotels #portuguesehotel #lisbonhotel #visitportugal #cantskipportugal #vistilisbon #traveldestinations #cityexplore #cityhotel #boutiquehotel #besthotels #heritageavenidaliberdade #lisbonbynight

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